BFM Events

We welcome you to our events page. In addition to being a yoga and outdoor clothing store, we are an experiential and inclusive place. Our expertise in yoga practice and mountain adventures allows us to offer unique events.

Floriana Frisan

Qualified yoga teacher, with years of experience in leading classes in various locations including the beach and the mountains.

Offers a variety of yoga events that are not to be missed!

YOGA CLASSES ON THE BEACH: Live the unique experience of a yoga session at sunrise or sunset on the beach.

YOGA IN THE MOUNTAINS: Immersed in nature, each class is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and your surroundings.

YOGA RETREATS: We organize one-day experiences and multi-day retreats , perfect for those seeking a deep immersion in yoga practice.


Mattia Pozzati

International Mountain Leader and Medium Mountain Guide, registered with the Alpine Guide College of Liguria. Specializing in hiking and mountain adventures.

It offers a wide range of outdoor proposals to be discovered!

MOUNTAIN EXCURSIONS: Explore the Ligurian territory and beyond with guided excursions suitable for all levels.

ADVENTURES ABROAD: Join us for unique experiences in international locations, perfect for nature and adventure lovers.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in our events and live unforgettable experiences.

You can find Mattia on Instagram on the Ponente Adventure page so you don't miss any of his latest outdoor adventures and proposals.