Who we are

By Fair Means Shop was born from an idea of ​​Floriana and Mattia. Always lovers of outdoor sports, Flo is also a seamstress with experience in making accessories and a Yoga teacher. Matti, a passionate visitor to the mountains in all its forms, has a past in the commercial management of shops in the fashion sector and, since 2021, also a medium mountain guide (International Mountain Leader registered with the Alpine Guides of Liguria and the UIMLA)

Not just an online yoga clothing store...

In 2023 we have achieved one of the many dreams we have!

BY FAIR MEANS, the first physical store in Italy specialized in the sale of clothing for yoga and outdoor sports.


Our physical headquarters is in Liguria, in the splendid context of Finalborgo (Finale Ligure), the Mecca of these disciplines.



Our mission is to demonstrate how humans can live in harmony with nature without necessarily defacing it. We want to create a community that, like us, shares the Leave no trace philosophy. Each of us can make a difference. BY FAIR MEANS represents our small contribution to this noble cause.

  • Shop

    Whether you are looking for clothing for yoga or outdoor activities, we have selected only the best companies for you.

    Explore our collections and discover how to combine style, comfort and respect for the planet.

    Visit the shop 
  • Events

    In addition to offering you the best clothing and accessories to practice your favorite sports, our dream is to become a real hub dedicated to the outdoors. We organize nature excursions in Italy and Europe, yoga workshops and retreats, following the Leave no trace philosophy.

    Discover our events 
  • Upcycling

    Thanks to Flo's manual skill and passion, we created our personal brand FLARE , dedicated to the production of yoga accessories entirely hand made in Finalborgo . Thanks to upcycling, we transform your old clothes into beautiful accessories.

    Give your clothes a second life